Watch Out! The Witch Could Discover Me Any Moment. I’ve Found a Precious Treasure in the Castle Chest.

My heart was pounding like a drum. A cold sweat ran down my spine. The room was dark, only the candlelight dimly illuminating the shadows on the walls. I knew that the ghost witch could appear at any moment. But before my eyes, a treasure lay before my eyes.

It was an oak chest carved with mysterious patterns. The lid was heavy, but I tried my best to open it. A cold air came out along with the sound of a metallic bell.


I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Inside, the candlelight illuminated precious objects: gold, silver, sparkling gemstones. Perhaps this was the greatest treasure the world had ever known.

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But before my joy could be complete, a strange sound was heard from the hallway. It was footsteps! The footsteps of the witch. I quickly closed the lid of the chest, hiding it in a dark corset. My whole body was petrified. She was approaching.

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