In the midst of their daily tasks, a group of young men found themselves immersed in their work when an ᴜпexрeсted visitor emerged.…

August 2018 - Korea, Han river. Amazing video showing giant UFO hiding in the clouds... Watch the FULL VIDEO HERE ! Ancient Koreans…

September 2018 - The Best UFO Sightings Of 2018 - Part 2 - SECTION 51... Watch the FULL VIDEO HERE ! It's not…

For many people, aliens are a staple of science fiction. While many movies explore what would happen if alien spacecraft attacked Earth, some…

The theory Montana Tech Professor of Anthropology Michael Masters lays out in his nearly 300-page and almost 500-footnote treatise "Identified Flying Objects: A…

In a mysterious turn of events, reports have surfaced of a UFO captured by US Special Forces in the vast expanse of…

March 2018 - Montenegro, Adriatic sea. Leaked video showing US helicopters sent to make contact with giant UFO hovering over sea... Watch the…

April 2018 - Afghanistan, Helmand district. Leaked video showing US special forces approaching interdimensional portal in the desert... Watch the VIDEO HERE !…

September 2017 - Mexico. Leaked video showing US soldiers approaching huge UFO hovering over village... Watch the VIDEO HERE ! The Xilitla Incident…

May 2018 - USA, New Boston Air Force Base. Leaked video showing UFO mothership hovering in the sky and military aircraft mass takeoff...…

For a very long time, there were only two nail forms available: round and square. However, there is a nail shape that has…